Week 0

A. This is the origami that i made one year ago.It was made of a square paper and without any cutting and only by my hand. However, I did used some glue, it was because glue makes paper stronger that the paper mantis could stand on the table. Moreover, it is my interests of doing paper folding and this probably be one of the reasons that lead me to choose the degree architectural study. I mean, i found there are similarity between paper folding and construction of a building. B. This is the picture of the Eiffel Tower and it made by the architect called Gustave Eiffel. It was soo tall that when it was build, it is the highest building in the world. I visited this place five years ago, however, unfortunately, the elevator was broken at that time, so i didn't have a chance the climb on it. C. This is the picture of a piece snow and it is magnified. It looks pure and transparent. It has the symmetrical space of the hexagon. The space of a piece snow is hard...